How To Accept Jesus

We warmly invite you to embrace a new chapter in your spiritual journey by praying this meaningful and faith-filled prayer, inspired by Romans 10:9. This prayer is a beautiful step towards deepening your relationship with Jesus, and we'd be honored to support you in your walk of faith.

Once you’ve prayed, we would love to offer you free resources to help you flourish and grow spiritually. Simply reach out to us by emailing [email protected], and we’ll be there to encourage and uplift you.

Here’s the prayer:

“Father God, I come to You in Jesus’ name. I believe Jesus died for me and rose again after three days. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and have broken Your commandments, but I ask for Your forgiveness. Set me free from sin, and wash me in the blood of Jesus. I invite the Holy Spirit into my life to help me live for You. From this day forward, I give my life to You. Amen.”

We look forward to walking alongside you on this incredible journey of faith.